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Frequently Bought Together

What is Frequently Bought Together?

Frequently Bought Together is a feature commonly used in eCommerce stores to help shoppers discover associated items that are typically used or purchased together with the item that is already in their cart.

An example of Frequently Bought Together


Amazon’s “Frequently Bought Together” combines machine learning and data science to provide customers with tailored recommendations.

By evaluating an individual’s browsing and purchasing history, Amazon runs a sophisticated algorithm to match them with relevant products. In addition, Amazon takes into account the purchases of other customers, to see if multiple users have purchased the same items in tandem.

The end result is that a customer is then presented with a list of products which they may not have thought of, but which could be beneficial in their purchase.

Why is Frequently Bought Together important for an eCommerce site?

Frequently Bought Together section offers customers the convenience to journey through the eCommerce platform and purchase items that are commonly bought together. This can save the customer time by adding several items to their cart all with the click of a button. It can also result in a more efficient shopping experience and allow customers to take advantage of discounts and promotions.

The “Frequently Bought Together” feature can be incredibly useful for eCommerce sites, as it helps to strengthen customer loyalty. Customers can purchase items in bulk and feel secure that what they are purchasing is also what others are finding useful. This also ensures customers that they are purchasing items that work well together. 

The feature also offers insight into what items customers should purchase, which can be helpful when a customer is unsure of what they want. This can help the customer save time and money and eliminate the need for window shopping and going to multiple stores.

How to create a FBT offer on your eCommerce website?

Creating a Frequently Bought Together offer on your eCommerce website is a great way to offer your customers something extra and increase sales. It’s a simple way to encourage customers to purchase multiple products together, which can help you boost your profits.

So how do you create an effective Frequently Bought Together offer? Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Identify Which Products to Include

First, you’ll need to identify which products you want to include in your Frequently Bought Together offer. Consider customer behavior and the types of products they may purchase together. For example, if you sell kitchen appliances, you could offer a combination of a blender and a food processor.

2. Set a Reasonable Price

Once you’ve identified which products to include, you need to set a reasonable price for the bundle. You don’t want to overprice it and scare away customers, but at the same time, you don’t want to underprice it and lose out on potential profits.

3. Create Promotion Strategies

To maximize the impact of your Frequently Bought Together offer, you’ll need to create effective promotion strategies. You can do this by sharing the offer on your social media pages, creating display ads, and running email campaigns.

4. Monitor Performance

Finally, you’ll need to monitor the performance of your Frequently Bought Together offer. This can be done via analytics tools, or you can even ask customers directly. Asking customers for their feedback will help you identify any areas that need to be improved.

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