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AI-Powered Search (AI-Powered Personalized Search)

AI-powered search in eCommerce site search refers to using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

The AI-powered search aims to enhance the user experience by providing shoppers with more personalized and relevant search results.

Personalized search results are site search results tailored to each individual based on their profile, including past search history, purchase history, brand preference, product ratings, gender, and more.

The key to successful AI-powered tailored search is machine learning. A search engine algorithm can learn about specific users’ onsite shopping behaviors by tracking their activity over time and analyzing it following the criteria set by the company.

How AI-Powered Search empowers your Shopify store for higher conversions? 

AI-powered search can help to enhance the user experience on your Shopify store, leading to higher engagement, loyalty, and conversions.

  • Improved search relevance: AI-powered search algorithms can analyze user behavior and search intent to deliver more relevant search results when users type a query in your site’s search box.
    With better relevant results, shoppers can find what they are looking for faster, increasing the likelihood of purchasing.
  • Advanced Analytics: AI-powered search can also provide advanced analytics and insights into shopper behavior, allowing Shopify store merchants to optimize their search strategy and improve conversions over time.

The AI-powered search brings better shopping personalization

B2C and B2B consumers are increasingly choosing to browse and purchase online. People are now adding products to their shopping baskets that they never would have before since they are so accustomed to doing so.

Personalization on an eCommerce website can take various forms, from offering the most relevant search results to delivering on-target recommendations to simply remembering customers’ names and item color and size preferences for the next time they log on.

Personalization is a strategy that many eCommerce websites have been implementing successfully. Engaged clients develop into devoted ones, which increases sales and encourages repeat business.

For example, personalized product recommendations boost revenue. Just 7% of all visits were prompted by a referral, while 24% of orders and 26% of revenue came from these referrals.

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Using Boost AI Search, search box can detect search query patterns like color, size, and product type and return the closest matched results

How to use AI-powered search to boost shopping personalization

#1 Being aware of your audience

Personalization is all about being aware of the needs of each customer. It needs the right technology and knowledge about using it to fulfill that demand.

Whether a new visitor or a returning customer, you may piece together indications from how they arrived at your site to figure out why they came to you. It is possible to reduce their customer journey and improve their experience if you can quickly recognize that intent.

The relative scarcity of personalized search is a big missed opportunity, as visitors who use search convert at a 1.8 times higher rate than ordinary visitors.

And while the search box is undoubtedly the most crucial element of any website, search functionalities sometimes detract from rather than enhance the user experience. The reason is that many search engines prioritize keywords above context-sensitive meaning. The search might need to be clarified.

Accurate search results might be difficult to find due to spelling errors, the use of general phrases, and variations in how people describe the same goods.

For instance, if customers search for a “budget black laptop,” they most likely desire a black and affordable computer. However, a keyword search can provide a page of low-cost black laptop accessories.

In contrast, a smart semantic search considers the words in context, exactly like a real salesperson would. To independently generate guided, merchandising-driven selling experiences, brands, manufacturers, retailers, and distributors must enter their company into the search engine.

#3 Targeting and profiling

You may practically stroll beside visitors while they peruse your website, just like a car salesperson could lead a consumer around a showroom.

A smart salesperson picks up hints along the road regarding the kind of automobile that will suit his customers, the color they prefer, the price range they can afford, and how quickly they need the vehicle. He can then show them a car that meets their needs as he knows the dealership’s inventory.

You may take a similar technique online and even use a gimmick that vehicle sellers cannot: you can remain invisible.

Allowing machine learning and AI to evaluate all that data and compare it in real-time to your inventory is essential to make this work. By identifying trends in visitors’ past activity or connecting them with a group of customers who share similar qualities, machine learning can assist people in being guided at breakneck speeds and provide possibilities a person might have overlooked.

With the right machine learning and AI tools, you can discover new customer categories your staff missed.

How Boost 3.0 brings AI-powered Search to Shopify stores

Boost AI Search & Discovery utilizes NLP to deliver highly precise and pertinent search results for your eCommerce site. Our tool has the capacity to comprehend the intent behind even the most intricate search queries.

Boost AI search
How Boost’s AI-powered search works

Boost’s AI-powered search feature deploys facet extraction to identify and extract product attributes contained in a search query. This means that attributes such as color, style, size, price, and more can be accurately identified and matched to relevant products.

Boost AI Search & Discovery is a complete solution for product discovery. From recommendations to AI search and enhanced filtering, Boost has got you covered!

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